Tips For Using Wax With Braces

how to use the wax for braces

Getting braces put on your teeth can be a big adjustment, both physically and mentally. Braces can be uncomfortable at first as your mouth gets used to the new appliances. One common issue that many individuals face when they first get braces is irritation from the brackets and wires rubbing against the cheeks, lips, and tongue. This is where orthodontic wax can be a lifesaver.

Orthodontic wax is a soft, moldable wax that can be applied to your braces to create a smooth barrier between the metal and your oral tissues. Using wax properly can help alleviate discomfort and prevent sores caused by friction. Here are some tips on how to effectively use wax with your braces:

1. Clean the Area: Before applying wax to your brackets or wires, make sure the area is clean and dry. Use a toothbrush or interdental brush to remove any food particles or debris. Keeping your braces clean will help the wax adhere better and last longer.

2. Break Off a Small Piece: Take a small piece of wax, about the size of a pea or smaller, and roll it into a small ball. Soften the wax between your fingers to make it pliable and easy to mold.

3. Dry the Area: Use a tissue or cotton swab to dry the bracket or wire where you plan to apply the wax. This will help the wax stick better and stay in place longer.

4. Apply the Wax: Gently press the ball of wax against the area where the metal is causing irritation. Mold the wax around the bracket or wire to create a smooth surface that will prevent rubbing against your cheeks, lips, or tongue.

5. Reapply as Needed: The wax may wear off over time or get dislodged while eating or brushing your teeth. If you notice that the wax is no longer covering the sharp edge of a bracket or wire, remove the old wax and apply a fresh piece. It’s a good idea to carry a small container of wax with you so you can reapply it whenever necessary.

6. Be Mindful When eating: While wax can provide temporary relief from irritation, it is not a permanent solution. Be mindful of what you eat to prevent the wax from coming loose or getting dislodged. Avoid sticky or hard foods that may cause the wax to break off.

7. Remove the Wax Properly: When it’s time to remove the wax, be gentle to avoid damaging your braces. Use your fingers or a soft toothbrush to gently peel off the wax. If there is any residue left behind, use a toothbrush and some warm water to clean the area.

8. Visit Your Orthodontist: If you are experiencing persistent irritation or soreness from your braces, don’t hesitate to contact your orthodontist. They can provide you with additional tips for managing discomfort and ensure that your treatment is progressing as planned.

Remember that using wax with your braces is only a temporary solution to alleviate irritation and discomfort. It’s important to address any issues with your orthodontist to ensure that your treatment is on track and to prevent any potential complications. With these tips in mind, you can effectively use wax with your braces to make your orthodontic journey a little more comfortable.